Wednesday, January 16, 2013


                                                                           January 6, 2013

  It's been coming into my heart to start a blog that would have resources for women who are sincerely seeking to be as the Holy Women of Old who trusted in the Lord. I am limited on computer knowledge but hope this blog will some how be a help to others. I myself have been seeking the Lord & searching the Scriptures, & history to try to get a better understanding of the Holy Women of Old that I might attain unto their virtue & wisdom. As is convenient I will be adding helpful studies and resources to the blog. I know that many questions among women arise concerning modesty, meekness, humility, sobriety, raising children, & being a virtuous sister among brethren, &/or a godly wife, etc. This Blog is intended to inspire, & edify (build up). Please feel free to make suggestions on how to better the layout, etc, of this blog.
  I've been on a pilgrimage for Y'shua (Jesus) since 1996.  In Aug. 2012 I married my husband who is also passing through this temporal world on pilgrimage to the Holy Heavenly City. We are seeking to stay on the narrow path Mashiyach (Christ) taught through His Word & example. We have been encouraged by searching out the history of the early followers of Christ. There is a lot to learn through their example & fearless faith. A faith that we are to earnestly contend for (Jude 1:3).
  Being very familiar with a life of sin & God's power to save & deliver us from our sins I desire for others to be delivered as well. I am especially burdened for women growing up in this time: where dolls are made to look like demonic Whores, & clothes are fashioned to make the youngest girls look like sex objects, it's hard to even buy underwear that are not made in plain & innocent fashion, women are being taught to glory in their temporal flesh, to have sex fearlessly, to rebel against the natural order of Creation, to take charge over men, to forsake their natural motherly instincts. All this and more has brought much confusion & grief upon women. By these things they sought liberty, but will find themselves to be slaves to a cruel master if they turn not to the Holy One in repentance.
 Through repentance I myself have found true women's liberty. It is simply abiding as we were created to be - a help meet for man, perfecting holiness in the fear of the LORD- which is the begining of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). As a fish of the sea is safest & most prosperous in the sea, & a bird of the air flying free, so is a woman that knows & abides as she was created to be. Does a fish long to be a bird, or a bird a fish? Certainly not, but both are content & free remaining as they were created. So a woman ought not to long for the power, strength or clothes of a man. She shall rather abide satisfied as a Help meet, mother, sister, friend; pleased by the grace of God working in her to fulfill this very important position in life on earth.

Pro 31:10Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.


  1. Thank you for starting this blog. I was blessed reading several of the parts today. I can relate very much to your past history with both dressing immodestly , as well as like a boy.

  2. Greeting Dana, I am just today seeing your comment as well as many other comments I never knew about! For 2 years people's comments have been waiting my approval and I never knew!! Thanks for the comment, sorry it took 2 years to approve and respond <3
