Thursday, December 31, 2020

For the Good of All

 Romans 10

Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.

2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Thinking of this idea of having a zeal but not according to knowledge.
Among the Christian walk we see many zealous people. People that are lively and full of passion to get things moving, to inspire a crowd of people, to boldly approach people, people that cry out against demonic oppression and proclaim the name of Jesus, who cast out demons and try to heal the sick...
Zeal is a good thing, but not when the motivation for the zeal is tainted with pride/self-interest.
This can be unrecognizable to the one who has the zeal and those who follow the zealous one.

Have you ever seen a child not motivated to do their studies? But when a competition is presented they are suddenly zealous to accomplish what they had no heart to do.
"Johnny, if you can finish your math before Mark I will give you a reward!" Suddenly Johnny who couldn't pick up his pencil for the last 20 minutes, is quickly finishing the 10 math problems. And Mark is also inspired to go faster. Or, even if Johnny was simply offered a reward for finishing his math within 10 minutes you would see a zeal come over him where as before there was mention of a reward he had no interest.
Now math is important to learn and useful, and Johnny's mother could talk to him all day about the importance of learning math to try to motivate him. Yet, Johnny took no inspiration in hearing how important and useful math is, but when he heard, "If you can finish these problems in 10 minutes I will reward you with a cookie." He suddenly was zealously doing math.
It's a relief to his mother to find a way to get him to do what he should do but,...
it's so important that the motivation to do good is born of a discerning of good and a hunger for good. Offering the reward may help to motivate Johnny and at least get him doing what he should, and hopefully, eventually, he will recognize how useful and important it was that he learned how to solve math problems. And better yet, he will learn to recognize good things and desire to do them without any hope of reward, but rather for the sake of loving what is good and right.

Sadly, many adults fall into this zeal that is motivated by selfish interest and in the end will End in devastating results. Results that will effect not only the one with the zeal but all those who esteemed their zeal.

We must honestly examine our hearts and be honest with ourselves about our motivations for what we do. Do we help the poor because we really have a sorrow/sympathy in our heart for their suffering?
Or is the motivation because we get a good reputation from others and/or we believe God will reward us in heaven?
Do we preach the Gospel with boldness because we get the praise of men and/or we believe God will reward us or because we love God's righteous ways and we want others to enter into the rest His Truth brings for their own good because we sympathize with their pain?
Do we choose to be temperate in how we eat because of the way others will think of us and esteem us; or because we recognize that too much of a good thing isn't good and we delight in self-control because it is good and profitable for our good and the good of others? Or do we only restrain our desire for certain foods and/or too much of a certain food out of some kind of spiritual vain glory/ competition?
By the nature of God's creation and the foundations of right and wrong there are good rewards for those who do good and bad rewards for those who do bad.
Even unbelievers have hope that if they live a relatively "good" life they will be rewarded good in the End and they fear a possible bad End if they chose to do what they'd consider evil.
From a young age those who are raised Christian are taught that if they do certain good things they will be rewarded good, and if they do certain bad things they will be rewarded with an eternally bad reward. So they are motivated to try in themselves to do the good and avoid the bad. But the problem is, as they age the things they were taught were bad they see many people doing and appearing to have pleasure in those bad things. They test the bad water and are surprised to discover it tastes sweet!!
Thus a roller coaster type of life begins wherein they take pleasure in what they had been taught was evil... After the evil is performed by them it is bitter in their belly because they feel guilty knowing they were taught it's evil, but they enjoyed it in part... Yet, they now fear that if they continue to choose to do the evil they will lose their good reward in the End and face a fearful End.
So they go on struggling to do good and occasionally they get a zeal to do good, zealously sharing Jesus with people all along they are still a slave to sinful desires.
Thus, you have congregations full of people that are slaves to sin, showing up to Church on Sunday in hopes they can keep their good reward in the End ...while though they may appear zealous among their church group doing great things for the poor and bold to witness to others, they are still a slave themselves to sin.
These people have never learned to love God for His goodness alone and to zealously serve Him for His goodness alone. And some of us who have come to this Revelation (that God's goodness is good and for that reason alone He is worthy of our zeal) still need to guard our hearts and make sure no wrong motivations subtly come into our hearts to do the good that we do. We need to guard our hearts that we aren't just going through the motions because we fear hell, but because we are fully embracing the beauty of Holiness, we love it, hunger for it because God is Holy and that makes Him beautiful and to be desired above all else!
May we be purely motivated with the knowledge of God's goodness and may this Faith that He is good, His ways are good even though they often require of us self-sacrifice and suffering and trust, we can have confidence knowing His goodness is good for the good of all even if we can't see good will in His will in the moment, by eyes of Faith we believe His will is for the greater good though it may bring us momentary suffering.
A pure zeal for God is born of a pure Love, it seeks not it's own good, it is not puffed up, it does no ill to a neighbor.
We can be inspired to be zealous for things that have the appearance of good but they do not follow the requirements for a "pure good" as listed above.
BLM (Black Lives Matter) has an appearance of good because Black lives do matter. But when that zeal turns into harming others to get it's point across, it is no longer a pure zeal, it is no longer good.
Taking a stand for someone who is being mistreated can appear to be a bold and zealous/ heroic endeavor, but if in the process, you bring harm to others your zeal lost its purity, it's goodness.
God help us to know our own heart's motivation whether it is truly rooted in a pure love that seeks not it's own.
We can love God with a pure heart, with a heart that doesn't care if it receives a reward but simply loves Him because He is the essence of LOVE, He is Love and that makes Him to be desired above all else because nothing is better than God, nothing is better than pure Love.
Oh, may we utterly love Him with total abandonment of all that would cloud our vision of Him.
This is a good thing He requires of us, to love Him with ALL OUR HEART, MIND, SOUL AND STRENGTH and He does not require this for His personal gain, but out of His PURE, HOLY LOVE FOR US and for the Good of All.

God manifested the greatness of His love for us when He took on the nature of man through Christ; and showed us how to live a selfless life for the love of others and GOOD OF ALL. May we also for love of Him and others embrace whatever suffering we must to fulfill the will of God in our life.

Friday, November 27, 2020


 February 11, 2012



In Life we must make a choice, Not once or twice, But many times over. The choice is to be crucified, To let die What we would have to live. We come to a crossroad Time & time again On life's journey Where there's a sign that points to "My Way" & one to the Old Highway "My Way" looks pleasant Free of stumbling blocks & pebbles & rocks The Old Highway is rocky & windy you can't see around the bend It's narrow too & full of thorns that rend. "My Way" seems right but the end leads to a deathly sight The Old Highway may be long but at it's end you will join angels & saints in a Holy song. To many the Old Highway would seem wrong & that's because it's only for the strong. This is not a strength of flesh or heart But a spirit willing to be set apart To walk alone But know dear soldier of the cross It is His grace that keeps you crucified there & tho' all men may stare Count this not as a snare But patiently bare what you would not choose Had you your own will to keep & not lose. Dear friend, has a choice you've made brought you to your knees & bade You sweat drops of blood Have your tears run as a flood? As your mouth cries, "I want Truth & not lies! Abba the path of life I choose what have I to lose? Crucify, crucify my every desire Let me come through this fire fine & solid as gold something so precious it could never be sold Let me be your treasure Abba, even the apple of Your eye For this I will gladly die To my will That Thy will Will be done still." A life of Surrender Had it not been worth it none would be saved & all would be lost. Once it was a lamb, then a dear Son & now my friend the choice comes to everyone, Truly to die is gain When the will is crucified Abba is glorified. Count the cost & be assured nothing good for you will be lost. He is a rewarder to them who seek His will to fulfill. Abba into your hands... I Surrender.

Written by ~Faithful Friend

As a Bird upon the House Top


As a Bird upon the House Top

I sit alone as a bird upon the house top, I try to stand, unmoved by what I see,

Let not the weight of it cause me to slide

Let not the fear of it

Make me fly into darkness

Adoni what will be, the end 

Of what I see?

My knees do bend

My tears do send a continual flow

My heart aches, how much must I

Take? To live, & love, & not die-

To hold my peace; yet, proclaim it 

From the house top-To live, & love 

& not die. Charity is the strong tie,

That holds one to love & to live.

The air has made me cold, 

the wind has blown me dry,

the rain has soaked me thru’

the sun has beat upon me

But I keep my watch

He knows what I see

I pray, I read, I hope, I plead

I need You to bear this weight/wait. 

Written by ~Faithful Friend

“Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.”--Ecclesiastes 10:20

A Sacrifice Worth Living For


A sacrifice worth living for

 I thought I was ready to die,

Why, why my heart would pry,

Into the mind of God,

Years later, still here,

Shed many more tears,

Re-lived so many fears,

What is it You would have me to do?

Live to glorify You,

by making worldwide fame,

Or should I keep on making stew,

be a godly wife & keep my heart from strife?

In this life I find pain & heartache,

Times of rest by a lake,

Am I livin' for You or my sake?

I know I don't want to be fake.

What should I do?

Seek the lost & few

that will follow You?

What about the world wide oppression:

Those who starve with those who overflow,

Those who are beat & afflicted, & those living in depression, so many loving sin?

It's hard to have peace within

The confines of a life

Filled with strife:

All the discussions & repercussions

of what is right & wrong, evil & good,

It can be so hard to be understood.

Dear God that is true,

& every man a would be liar,

What should I do?

How to stay sane,

in the daily mundane

How to keep focus,

Amidst a pestilence of evil,

Damaging more than all the locust.

The heart would faint & mind grow weary,

With all the media news that makes me leary;

To know a speck of what You know,

of all the evil,

It's pain brings me low,

But I still don't know :

Do I rise up,

What is the cup

You have for me,

Do I quietly keep your commandments:

Work no ill to my neighbor,

In love labor,

Look not upon man or woman to lust,

Lest I turn to dust,

Turn my cheek to the foe,

And for my enemy the extra mile go,

Lay myself to the ground,

that another disciple may be found,

With all my strength & all my mind,

Love You,

that I may seek & find,

First the Kingdom to come,

that Thy will may be done?

If I do all these

will it please?

Christ has pricked the mind

of all mankind,

He is my example,

Do I not possess all that is ample,

To live selfless as He?

From all ungodliness flee:

fornication, self-abuse

drug use,

wanting other people's things;

Lust of the eyes that brings,

adultery, murder, violence,

Violation of the innocent,

over eating, unrestrained passions,

dressing in vain fashions,

strife of heart, lack of forgiveness,

without order, living in a mess,

The list goes on,

Flee these & be strong

For the love of Christ I must not do wrong.

If I stumble once, please not twice,

Oh Dear Lord I cannot be nice,

when I seek my own; I cannot continue in sin,

if I should ever win,

The seen, yet unseen war,

There are souls within, many do not care anymore,

But I know it's worth fighting,

In the end sin will have its sting,

never-ending pain,

joy you cannot feign,

All you choose for self in vain.

Counting the cost,

I know it's not worth the loss,

Life on earth, will I seek to be happy here,

or let it burn off all my dross,

To You Oh God let me surrender fear:

Fear not bodily pain

suffered for Your name,

Fear not letting go

of all that I would have

From day to day, keeping silence,

Tearing down every fence,

Suffering long & having patience

Fear not the face of man or foe,

Defaming & rejection

Knowing it'll bring me into Your perfection.

Help me to let go,

And on this earth sow:

Truth in the hearts of children & those who do not know,

repentance in those who grow,

in contrary directions.

To live this life as Christ in His perfection,

Certainly we must be able.

He was born lowly in a stable,

a Carpenters son,

Your life wasn't about having fun

From Your youth You went about Your FATHER'S business,

You honored Your father & Your mother,

Feared none other,

Than God above,

You taught us true love:

An existence void of self-interest,

and this I believe is the test,

It's not that we should work a miracle

But that we break the cycle,

Of humankind,

Lost & blind,

For all those reading this rhyme,

Do you see,

Here I plea,

With you & me,

We're living in a world with sin

There's a war within,

The only war that's worth the fight,

Is against our selfish desire,

Win this battle,

be free from eternal fire

Yet, warring for this alone still selfish we are,

Dying to self for the love of God & neighbor,

Is by far

A sacrifice worth living for.

Written by ~ Faithful Friend