Saturday, November 20, 2021


Giving instruction to children should teach us a lot about life and our own folly.

Guiding a child through life is much like seeing things from God's perspective. There is a reason God created the birthing and raising of children. There is a reason why people are born not knowing as much as they do by the time they are an adult.

As an adult, we have a different perspective than a child. We can tell a child to do something very simple and for the child, it can sound so daunting, so challenging that they cry and feel stressed at the idea. But from the adult perspective, we know what we ask of the child is not too difficult for the child; and it is almost laughable to see the child so distressed over something that if they were simply willing to do, it would be so easy for them to do.
But instead, they tell you and themselves that it is too hard and they make excuse after excuse as to why they can not obey you.
As an adult you can see the foolishness and self-deception of their excuses and that they are blowing something simple out of proportion. And had they just done what they were told to do their grief and sorrow would be over with.
But they often prolong their disobedience until the adult finally has to give them a consequence if they continue to disobey and continue to make excuses for their disobedience.
Consequences have a way of stirring the mind to get over whatever is hindering it from obedience. When there is no consequence for disobedience, or the consequence is easy to bear or hard to believe it will ever happen then the mind will hold fast to its rebellion/unbelief.
But when the consequence causes greater distress than obedience the command for obedience is quickly obeyed. And when it is obeyed the child realizes it really wasn't as hard as they made it out in their mind to be, and that it is actually a joy to obey, and better to obey.
Although, it may take many failures on the child's part before they realize obedience is actually easier than disobedience.

And so we as adults get a glimpse when we guide children as to what God deals with when He also lovingly desires to guide us.
Adults are known for fainting in their minds and making excuses, justifying their disobedience to God, giving place to a sense of being incapable, doubtful, and stressed by the idea of obedience just as the adult's child has been with them. But as they were with their child, seeing clearly the child is able, so God sees clearly that He does not ask of us to obey anything we are incapable of obeying. He perhaps is near laughing too, saying to us, "Come now my child this is easier for you than you realize! "
Yet, if we continue in stubborn rebellion and disbelief He will remind us there are consequences He has set in place for rebellion, for disobedience to what is good and right.
Did He create these consequences because He is a narcissist that demands our obedience?
Did He create consequences to disobeying Him for His own selfish good?
Guess what I realized when guiding a child?!!
Consequences are for OUR good!!
Because they help us to obey!
We will choose to continue in our unbelief and/ or rebellion if we are not warned of consequences or if we do not suffer consequences. It is through suffering consequences that we learn.
It is through suffering consequences or the fear of suffering consequences that we stop disobeying.
It's unfortunate that we don't simply obey because we love and trust that what God tells us to do is the best choice.
Just as it is sad a child doesn't obey the adult out of love and trust in the adult.
But, some children do learn to trust and obey their parents for the love of their parents and realize their parent's instructions are for their own good.
As do some adults begin to learn that obedience to God is for their best interest and God instructs us out of love not selfish reasons.
So for those who struggle and want to accuse God of being unjust for creating consequences for disobedience, we learn clearly from life and guiding children that consequences are necessary for directing unbelieving, stubborn, and rebellious minds towards what is good and right. We learn that clearly, consequences are for OUR GOOD.
Consequences are not something to despise but rather to be thankful for because without them we will go on in self-destructive ways hurting ourselves and others. For all that is called sin is what does ill to one's neighbor and to one's self. It's clearly illogical to not obey the one who Created Life who knows its design and what works and what doesn't.
Children have a limited understanding so they often disregard their parent's instructions... until they learn and realize mom and dad are right touching a hot stove hurts, I don't want to do that again.
So it is with us. We learn, God is right fornication isn't worth it; the consequences in this life are very devastating, how much more in eternity? Sadly, many have yet to lay this to heart. Because they have yet to suffer more than they find pleasure in their disobedience. Once they suffer more they are likely to forsake it. But for some, it is simply a revelation of God's goodness and love that prevents them from continuing in rebellion.
Guiding children teaches us more about God and His love for us. Children are truly a blessing to this world. God knew what He was doing when He designed life on Earth. What He has done is created a world where free will is possible, thus allowing true love to also be possible. Without the freedom to choose for ourselves, we would not be able to do anything other than be a robot only doing what it was programmed to do. True Love would not exist.
True love requires a choice: a choice to love requires trust and trust is often learned through the failure of not trusting and failure is the result of a consequence, therefore consequences are Good :-) without them, we may not Make the loving choice.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Before Marriage

( Caution: For Mature readers )

The other night I finally got around to typing up some things for a friend that I was hoping she would discuss with her soon to be husband before they get married.

This list of topics I shared for her to discuss is NOT in order of importance or exhaustive, though it is long.

In regards to choosing who you want to be in an “until death parts you” covenant:

I sadly have a number of friends who are struggling in their marriages, who have been separated at times, who have entertained divorce, who have wondered if they made the wrong choice...these friends are Christians that are married to Christians. I have heard that since the 80’s one out of every two marriages ends in divorce and the highest rate of divorce is among those who “identify” as Christians. As you know marriage is not a bed of roses no matter how “in love” a couple is. No marriage is perfect. It is truly a challenge learning how to submit daily to one another. Some days are easy, some you may feel like you won’t make it through. No one can hurt you as deeply as a spouse, because you expect more from a spouse than anyone else. When those expectations, even in the little things are disappointed it can really wear on you over the years.

Being quick to forgive is definitely key which takes humility if done in sincerity. Humility and trust in God will be your companions for success.

So some things that tear marriages down that should be discussed before a covenant is made: (Most of these questions should be answered by the man and the woman)

  1. How do you feel about children?

a.) Are you ok with letting God decide how many children we have?

b.) Do you prefer to give birth in the hospital or at home?

c.) How would you want to correct and direct a child?

d.) Would you want your child to be home-schooled or is public education ok with you?

e.) If we home-school what are your expectations for homeschooling as far as what they should be taught and how much time they will spend a day/week doing school?

f.) Are you ok with our children using technology and or watching T.V. and if so what do you find acceptable for children to view and how often can they have access to these things?

g.) How do you feel about the in-laws and their interaction and influence on our children; will we set boundaries for the in-laws as far as what kinds of gifts & clothes they give the children and what they allow the children to view or places they bring them?

h.) Do we want our children to go to college? Do we want to teach our children to court when seeking a spouse or do we believe dating is acceptable?

j.) Are we ok with our children being involved in sports?

2. Money

      a.) Do we want a bank account?

      b.) Do we want a joint bank account or separate accounts?

      c.) Do we want to use credit cards?

      d.) As a wife do you trust me to make good choices to freely spend or are you thinking of giving me a certain allowance for things like groceries,etc.?

      e.) Do you believe in a savings account, or life Insurance?

      f.) Do you want me to work for money also?

      g.) Will we file taxes and if so jointly or separately?

      h.) Is your aim to work a lot for money? Do you want to spend money on a large house, a small house, on cars, trucks, furniture, technology?

3. Health

    a.) Are you ok with going to a Dr. ?

    b.) Is it ok to take prescriptions or are there certain kinds you think are wrong to take?

    c.) Do you believe in using food and herbs for healing?

   d.) Are you comfortable eating GMO products, do you want to try to stick with organic or just certain things organic?

   e.) Are you comfortable eating fast food?

   f.) Do you feel convicted to eat for health, for example are you ok with spending money on things like twinkies, donuts, ice cream on a regular basis or only on occasion or never?

  g.) How do you feel about marijuana internally, smoked or ingested, used topically?


4. Music

 a.) Are you ok with listening to music?

 b.) Are there certain kinds of music you don’t like or think we shouldn’t listen to?


5. Socializing

 a.) What kind of boundaries will you have once we are married in regards to interacting with the opposite gender?

 b.) Are you comfortable driving alone with the opposite gender, or only under certain circumstances?

 c.) Are you comfortable speaking privately with the opposite gender whether an audio, video, or text?

 d.) Are you comfortable having casual friendships with the opposite gender?

 e.) How do you feel about physical touch with the opposite gender: hugs, hand holding, handshakes, fist bumps? Are any of these ok under certain circumstances?

 f.) Are you ok with drinking alcohol at all?

6. Intimacy

  a.) Were you ever exposed to porn and if so how did it effect you, does it still effect you today, do you have any addiction issues with it?

  b.) Do you masturbate, if so do you think it is wrong or do you think it’s acceptable with God? If you masturbate are you triggered visually to do so, such as seeing an immodest woman in public or online; do you masturbate as a means of stress release? 

  c.) Do you believe oral sex is acceptable with God or wrong, if I am not comfortable with oral sex do you feel that will become a problem?

  d.) Do you expect me to wear sexy clothes in the bedroom; if I don’t is that going to be a problem?

  e.) Do you care if I do not shave?

  f.) Do you care if I don’t wear make-up?

  g.) Do you like to talk in bed before going to sleep, or do you prefer not to?

  h.) Does it make you uncomfortable if we are both in the restroom at the same time or do you prefer I wait until you're finished before entering?

7. Concerning the faith

  a.) What do you believe Church should look like?

  b.) Is being part of a Church body important to you?

  c.) What do you think about women pastors?

  d.) What do you believe it means to be  Christian?

  e.) Do you feel God has a calling on your life for a certain type of ministry?

  f.) Do you believe you have any spiritual gifts from God: that of teaching, hospitality, laying on of hands, evangelism, etc?

  g.) Do you care if I wear a head-covering in general?

  h.) What do you consider modest and not modest in regards to both men and women and their choice of clothes: (to the man)Are you comfortable in front of women shirtless? 

Is it ok for either of us to wear tank tops, “bathing suits”, or shorts?

 j.) If we have to get the vaccine to buy food would you want us to? 

 h.) Do you think we have to submit to the government in all things or just certain things?

j.) Are you willing to suffer for the faith, go to jail, bear reproach, lose fellowship, be hated by family, be poor...?

k.) As a woman what do you expect of me regarding my role as a Christian wife? Do you believe housework is only for women or do you believe it is also a husband’s duty to help with cooking, cleaning, diaper changing…? 

 l.) Do you believe in infant baptism?

m.) Do you believe cremation is ok?

n.) What do you believe about communion?

o.) Do you believe in miracles?

p.) Do you prefer praying out loud or silently?

q.) Do you want to pray before meals? Do you want to pray together before bed or individually?

r.) What do you believe Jesus taught regarding loving your enemies: is it ok to kill in defense, or injure in defense? How do you feel about calling 911?

s.) What would you do if you or I were called to jury duty?

t.) How do you feel about holidays?

u.) Do you love God more than me?

v.) Are you getting married because you want a nice marriage or because you want someone to serve Jesus with?

w.) Are you attempting to find completeness in marriage, as in do you think it will satisfy a loneliness in you or do you recognize only God will complete you?

8. Miscellaneous

 a.) Is there anything I do that really irritates you?

 b.) How much do you care about being clean as far as how often do you think bed sheets and towels should be washed and changed; do you like the dishes to be done after dinner or as the meal is being made?

c.) How many meals a day do you like to eat and what are your preferred meal times?

d.) What are your favorite foods and what do you not like to eat?

e.) Are you ok driving over the speed limit?

f.) Are you willing to be misunderstood by me and am I willing to be by you; are we willing to let go of disagreements and try to work together for peace?


Of course you do not have to have all the answers to these questions and over the years your answers will likely change? However these are topics worth discussing and not allowing your desire to be married hinder you from honest examination. When two people are “in love” it’s much easier to believe that even if you didn’t like their answers to some of these questions you will be able to handle it, or some put their trust in believing the person's opinion will soon change and fall in line with their own.

This is the time to be honest with yourself and your potential spouse, there's no turning back after the "I do." on the wedding day.

The Scriptures speak of the little foxes that spoil the truly can be the little seemingly insignificant things that begin to wear us out after being married:

“He always throws his dirty clothes on the floor like a slob when the dirty clothes basket is right there 2 steps away!”

“Day after day I come home from a long day at work and the house is a mess and dinner hasn't even started!”

“He’s constantly pulling the blanket off me at night, he snores, and he tosses and turns; I can’t get any sleep!”

“She embarrasses me with her choice of clothes?”

“He rarely ever spends time with the children so I can get things done!”

“She totally disrespects me in public!”

In marriage some focus on each other's shortcomings after a time of living together and begin to nag one another. Some things may take a spouse years to get the victory over or they may never, it’s very important to not be tripped up over what bothers you about your spouse while failing to speak gratefully to them for their efforts to please you in ways they have found to please you.

No matter what, marriage is a leap of faith. As Christians it is most important that God sincerely is our first love so no matter what happens in our marriage we will have God as our rock. People, even spouses, will fail us. But the thing about marriage is that you are committing to this person regardless if they are faithful to do their part.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment: disagreements don’t dissolve it, unfaithfulness doesn’t dissolve it, falling “out of love” doesn’t dissolve it, only death. God uses marriage to teach us and perfect us whether the marriage is successful or not. 

I have a burden for young people in regards to marriage because, like I said, too many are finding regrets about their marriage or ending up divorced. Too many are saying: they didn’t realize the seriousness of marriage, no one ever warned them, gave them counsel or advice, or prepared them for the reality of marriage.

It is so important to speak soberly with people you know who plan to marry. Kindly make sure they know very well the person they desire to be joined to. Feel free to use things listed here or make your own list of ideas for them to discuss with their soon to be spouse. If society took marriage more seriously and invested in preparing the youth for successful marriages many problems would be solved... A good Marriage is the foundation of mentally healthy children; thus a healthier society. Don't be afraid to speak up.

"Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." ~Matthew 19:6

Saturday, October 2, 2021


When it comes to a Best Friend it should always be Jesus in the life of a Christian. If you are Christian and you don't know Jesus as your Best Friend please make it a priority.

But don't turn Jesus into an imaginary friend and create Him from your imagination. A Best friend is not someone that will always agree with you. A BEST FRIEND is someone who will tell you the Truth in love even though it hurts to hear it. 

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."

Proverbs 27:6 

If you are married your Best Friend still needs to be Jesus and then your spouse. If you don't know your spouse as your 2nd Best friend next to Jesus do your best to make it happen. 

Other than that the Scriptures counsel us to have the SAME love one for another. In our youth we learn childish and selfish behaviors that teach us to have EXCLUSIVE relationships and a he or she is MY Best Friend and mine only mentality; as if that particular friend being our Best makes us something superior. We learn to boast that so in so is MY Best Friend thus declaring we have something others only wish they could have by having this person's acceptance. 

This mentality should be discouraged in the youth and by adulthood we should have grown out of it. Yes, it's true we more easily click with certain people, we feel we can trust some more than others and we naturally feel more of a connection with some. Yet, this should never validate a childish/selfish all exclusive friendship. 

In Philippians we learn of the mind of Christ:

"If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfil ye my joy, that ye be LIKE-MINDED, having the SAME LOVE, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:"

Philippians 2:1‭-‬7 

We are to have the SAME LOVE, the love of Christ one for another, not a, "I love you the most, so I am going to treat you better than everyone else and prefer you above everyone else." That is a selfish heart not a self-less heart. A self-less heart takes all of God's children into consideration. On the contrary this is the kind of love we should have for each other not just for some among us or ONE among us:

"But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children: so being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us."

1 Thessalonians 2:7‭-‬8 

Our love for One another should be as deep as Christ's is for us; that we should be willing to die for one another. Christ didn't die for ONE but for all.

"and that he died for ALL, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again."

2 Corinthians 5:15 

When we live for Christ we must live to love ALL with the same love as He did. 

This comes with challenges but when Christ is in the place He is worthy of, that being, Our Best Friend, He can make it easy for us to love others; because He teaches us by His example to be self-less and when we are self-less it is much easier to love.

This non- exclusive love is the power behind the name Christian. Are you familiar with the song, "We are One in the Spirit... they will know we are Christians by our love"

Jesus Himself said, 

"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

John 13:35 

He didn't say if you each have a Best friend you love more than others, or a certain group of people you love more than others, His Disciples went on to confirm the mind of Christ by passing down His teachings:

"that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another."

1 Corinthians 12:25 

"For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them."   Luke 6:32 

The Christian love should exceed the love of a natural man/woman. Not only are we commanded to love one another with the same sacrificial love but also our enemies. And this my friends is the mind of Christ and the example that He gave us through His living testimony. 

Seek Him for a heart to love like He loves, and don't back out when you experience the suffering it takes to love as He loves. No pain, no gain, is a true saying.  

Let the testimony of Christ inspire you and compell you to love self-lessly

Please teach your children that if they want a Best Friend that seat in their heart belongs only to Christ and as for anyone else they desire friendship with, teach them to have the same sacrificial love for all their acquaintances and not to prefer one above another. If they can learn this when they are young what a glory it will be for them to carry it into adulthood and to live a life of self-less love.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Self Deception of Selfies


Above content is "shared" from social media

My heart once again is burdened by this very thing you see in the meme.

I have some FB friends that share such good Truth that people need to hear, but then they bring shame and confusion to the name of Christ by posting pictures of themselves that resemble a model posing to encite lust in men. 

They will either put a Scripture as the caption to their picture or they will simply say something like "Out walking the dog",  sounds nice and "innocent", but their so called innocent picture sells their body to everyone that passes by as their buttocks, breasts and bare thighs are emphasized and strangely the position of their hand draws attention to their crotch just like sensual models purposely pose.

They maybe decieved themselves, I have heard some say things like, 

 I meant no harm by it,  I don't see anything wrong with the picture,  I didn't do anything wrong. 

"Such is the way of an adulterous woman; She eateth, and wipeth her mouth, And saith, I have done no wickedness."

Proverbs 30:20

There's a problem here my sisters,  if you are a sister in deed? If you don't see a Problem with posting pictures of yourself in tight clothing or a lack of clothing that shows skin to every passer-by that shouldn't have knowledge of it then you have yet to realize that you are in a fallen world and are still being used of the devil. 

Ladies today are writing articles to justify you by calling loving others by avoiding certain clothes as being legalistic.  They are trying to convince you that you have liberty in Jesus to wear the clothes you want to wear and even be called by His name.  

"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach."

Isaiah 4:1 

You don't have to take my word for it. 

But before you pose for the camera and post it honestly ask God if it's His will, and if that picture will please Him and bring glory to His name. God made all things beautiful even you.  But true beauty is in the heart of a woman that knows what God expects from women that are called by His name, and what it truly looks like to reflect His image to this world. 

You got me scratching my head if you think His image is comparable to what Vogue magazine posts and that He will justify your action. You also have me questioning your true character and intentions and sadly you have me hesitant to share your edifying Scriptural posts. Putting out pictures that misrepresent Christian are a spot on your garment. Moreover,  you have me in mourning for the deep grief of women that are either in bonds and still blind, or that are so wicked to use the Word of God to draw people after their sinful ways shaming Christ.

"that thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:"

1 Timothy 6:14 

There is a way to behave that God will truly have your back/ justify you, and there is a way to behave that shows you love darkness more than light and condemn yourself. 

Men need to take responsibly for their lust issues,  but you don't need to make it a challenge for them.  Brothers in the faith should be able to feel safe from temptation in the presence of a Sister; because she knows how to behave uprightly, with shamefacedness and modest apparel,  her heart is not selfishly seeking her brothers admiration through her bodies beauty. 

I am sure you have seen this quoted often,  if it makes you roll your eyes and you have yielded to a false interpretation of it so it doesn't actually apply to you in the plain speech that it is written in,  then there is a problem:

"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with SHAMEFACEDNESS and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."

1 Timothy 2:9-10

There was an exhortation to men right before this if you read the entire chapter you will see it isn't some foolishly believed exhortation to keep women in bondage and allow men to walk in the flesh. 

Another thing to consider: social media is a place fallen men indulge in their sinful ways; why give them a picture of yourself to become another one of the bodies they've lusted over?

Be honest if you get gratification from all the,  "your so beautiful" comments and that's a motivation for you to post to reassure and feel better about yourself.  If you don't want others to have this impression of you simply forsake the foolish. 

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready."

Revelation 19:7 

It's time to get ready, and be free of self deception and carnal insecurities.  Have confidence that you are beautifully and wonderfully created of God,  seek His favor alone and you will be satisfied and your void filled. 

"that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."

Ephesians 5:27 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Prayer, Chore or Pleasure?

Lately, I have been talking with the children that I am currently living with...(both age 7)

I asked them who the first person is that they talk to in the morning?

I received confirmation from them that Jesus is their best friend, so I asked them if they spoke to Him in the morning.

I was told they speak to Him at night.

So, I made a point to them that they go all day without talking to their best friend, and then at night they ask Him to give them their desires. I asked what kind of a relationship is that?!

I asked the 2 boys that are friends, How about the two of you go all day not talking to each other and then tonight ask each other to give you stuff.

They registered in their minds that that did not sound right.

Making the point again: If Jesus is your best friend like you both are friends and you are so excited in the morning to find each other first thing and talk to each other shouldn't you do the same with Jesus when you wake up in the morning?!

Shouldn't you say, Thank you God for giving me life this morning, that I have good food I can get up and eat, and clean water I can drink, and all that You have done for me! Please help me to make good choices today, to obey my parents....

I told the boys that I believed if they started their morning out by talking to their best friend and asking Him for help for their day, that I believe their days will be much more successful and that they will get in less trouble and be making better choices...especially if they remember their best friend throughout the day. 

How can they say Christ is their best friend and only talk to Him at night?

We may need to ask ourselves the same if we do this also.

Christ wants to naturally be chosen as our best friend, not because He is prideful; simply because He loves us so deeply and it's natural when one loves to want to be loved in return. He does not need us to love Him, but it pleases Him as it would please us when those we love, love us in return.

I know I need to do better with how I interact with my Best Friend Christ.

Don't ever be discouraged when you see your shortcoming, just make the adjustments needed to make things right. And if at first, you do not succeed, keep trying; just don't give up!

When we have a friend that fails us we don't want to see that friend depressed over it, moping around. We just want them to change so we can enjoy one another even more!

So it is with God, He just wants us to make some changes so that the relationship grows deeper.

This morning I put the children in remembrance, like the Scriptures say, exhort one another daily (= "But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin."-Hebrews 3:13)

They came to my room to see me and I asked them, Who was the first person you talked to this morning?

Big eyes "uhhhh" expression....

one says, "My dad!"

the other says, "You."

So you didn't talk to your best friend?!

I shared with them how I lived in houses in the past that the space under the stairs that they have been using for a fort was actually a prayer closet where I would enjoy going and talking to my best friend for hours!  

( I wasn't married then.)

And it was during those times I grew so much and God did such a work in my heart! He showed me in a prayer closet, someone I hated ever since I could remember (about the age of 5 )  up until that day in my 20's in that closet.... and He took the hatred and bitterness out of my heart!!!! (That's another story)

Suddenly, the boys were inspired to turn their fort into a prayer closet and straightway went to it ready to talk to their best friend! But as they entered the closet they got into some strife about a spider that was in the closet. Apparently, one of the boys thought it was best to kill the spider, and the other over-reacted and dramatically resisted the killing of the spider...Mom got involved, spider was caught in a cup and released outside, and on to prayer, they went.

 The first boy begins to emphatically Thank God for numerous things he listed, including candy, and all the nice things God gives them, and they "take for granted". I couldn't exactly hear all that he prayed but it was such a delight to hear...he went on to saying something about Trump and Biden and how he knows Jesus is the President of all :-) it was incredibly sweet and hilarious. He finished up his prayer and urged the other boy to pray. The other boy starts talking of other things not engaged in this serious endeavor to pray. So, the boy who prayed rebukes him saying something along the lines, that the devil is distracting him from prayer and obviously doesn't want him to pray...

 They came out of their prayer closet and I asked the one who didn't pray why he didn't pray. 

He said because he already listened to the other boy pray. 

Oh, ok, so how about you go all day not talking to your friend and just listen to his brother talk to him.

--look of distress on the boys face--

Well, if you don't need to talk to your best friend because your other friend talked to him?

What kind of a relationship would that be?!

Thank God for the things we learn from children!

My friend, what is your relationship with Christ like?

It's good to see where we can improve and I trust if we make the needed adjustments our relationship will deepen and we will become more prosperous in the ways of the Lord. 

A note to parents and mentors: Take time to teach the children, to open their understanding by pointing out these kinds of things. It's so beautiful to inspire children to have a relationship with God. Praying shouldn't be presented as an obligation or a chore....teach them Jesus is the Greatest friend they will ever have and to be conscious of Him all the day long.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Chocolate Soldiers

 I plan to start sharing some treasures I have copied into my journal that is filled with years of things I have written down that edified me. Hope my readers will also find edification in these things. I will put them under the topic "Journal Treasures"

Today I have typed up the following from out of my journal:

“You wake up in the morning, Take a few minutes to ponder the events of the coming day. Then, think of your bed as an altar & on the altar sacrifice yourself: possessions, pride, power to God. If you take that attitude in the morning then nothing that comes up during the day should frustrate or disturb you. ...The crucified will is not frustrated. The man who willingly, cheerfully & daily presents himself as a ‘living sacrifice’ can excellently adapt to the most severe situations & with Paul be more than a conqueror Romans 8:37 ‘Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.’

One may ask, ‘Isn’t it foolish to give up our rights?’ Perhaps it is not foolish, since in giving up our rights we improve both our health & happiness. In giving the other fellow a piece of our mind we always lose our peace of mind. To the unregenerate man it is unthinkable that he should give in when he is right, he refuses to sacrifice his pride, but in doing so he sacrifices his health… Yeshua (Jesus) said, ‘Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth’ Mt.5:5 Christians must renounce every right of their own & live for the sake of Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha Mashiyach). 

As the World War 2 martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote & lived:

‘They will not go to law to defend their rights or make a scene when they suffer injustice nor do they insist on their legal rights.’

We may suffer in this life but the earth belongs to us. As Dietrich declared,

‘Those who now possess it (the world) by violence & injustice shall lose it, & those who here have utterly renounced it, who were meek to the point of the cross, shall rule the New Earth.

Sticking up for our rights calls forth many excess hormones. Much stress and sickness results from our unwillingness to sacrifice ‘our own rights.’ Christians must remember that ‘their right is in the will of their Lord----that and no more.’

Living by this principle as Christ did is, ‘the way of the cross.’ As it did for Paul & Dietrich, this path will often lead to persecution in this life. But, ‘the way of the cross’ is the only way to spiritual fulfillment & freedom from the diseases caused by negative attitudes & personal goals. Contrary people can help us if we make the necessary  adjustments in our mental rigging. On the water they call it tacking, but on land they call it tact. ...most Christians are not mortified & crucified to the world, not acquainted with word of God & the promises as they ought to be, nor so resolved to follow God fully, as they ought and therefore are so dejected & discontented when affliction comes. Here is solid truth. Since our attitudes of mind are more important than the daily insults of life, we should condition our minds before life’s major catastrophes hit us. Armies recognize this basic truth & put their troops through rigorous  training. If Christians would practice Biblical discipleship-such as fasting, meditation, solitude, and prayer we would not have so many ‘chocolate soldiers’ who melt and crumble when they are forced to endure hot & fierce experiences such as unexpected death of a loved one, or persecution of a hostile government.”
