Monday, September 28, 2020

Facebook Friends and more...

 Greetings to all especially my Facebook Friends who have recently followed me over here!

For those of you who do not know, I decided to exit Facebook so I can spend more time on the blog and hopefully be free from it's control and spyware.

Many of you may not have noticed or believed this but FB is listening to you through the phone and it is very creepy. Myself as well as other Brethren can testify that many times we have talked about something and then suddenly we are getting a FB ad for the very item!!!

A lot is going on in the world. The Holy Women of Old obviously didn't have to consider the wor
ld of has it's plus and minuses. I personally have been blessed to meet many people in person that I met through the internet. Of course you have to be very careful with meeting people in person that you have met online. Sadly not everyone we have met online has been what we expected from their online presence. Yet, it is a way we can easily connect with like minds from all over the world.

So, in this strange time we are living in I still want to use the internet so long as I am not drawn into compromise by doing so. I want to use it to keep the Hope, Faith, and Love of God alive and reaching people. Many of us are battling harder than we ever had to before with temptations towards doubts, fears and discouragements and hard trials. 

I love to be an encouragement to people so that is why I sit at this computer knowing how many have been reached already, it's worth it to me; you are worth my time. God loves each one of you and I too am encouraged when you take the time to interact with me; so please if you are inspired or you need more encouragement leave a comment at the end of my post here, or fill out my contact form (see bottom right side of page) for private dialogue.

I do believe the time is coming that it will be more like the times the Holy Women of old lived in as far as we will not have the liberty to use internet and we will likely face severe persecution. So now is the time to really prioritize what is God our undivided attention so we can have His Amazing Grace to fulfill His will in our lives...and I believe encouraging one another is also very important....bearing one another's burdens.

So, the link I tried to post on FB that was immediately prevented from being posted and along with the censorship was a message from FB that said the content I was trying to post was against their terms. I personally don't believe this content is against their terms, although it does put the idea in people's minds to get off of FB which they don't want people doing. I am so glad I can share the link freely with you all here where you can choose for yourself if it's something you want to view. Sadly, much of the internet is being used to subtly shape our thinking much truth is being censored and falsehood is being elevated as truth.

I am sharing two videos with you. The first one you will just see the blue words for...I don't know who the man is in the video I am sharing with you or about the website I am sharing but it is a short video of a man sharing somewhat of a poem about 3 minutes long. Click on the title to be redirected to another secure website to view.

Why Are We Still On Facebook?

Here is the second video for those of you who want more specific details about FB and the minuses of using it; here is another video, just be warned that about 8 minutes into it a cuss word is used; I believe it only happens that one time in the video.

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