Sunday, October 4, 2020

How deep is your Prayer/Relationship with God?

Greetings Friends,

As I start to work on the blog more you will notice some changes. I don't exactly like the way my Morning Musing Page is set up. I would like to make it easier for you all to find musings you haven't read before. So I decided to try making the musings regular posts. This way they will be easier to find in the long run as they will automatically be stored under the "Topics" section under "Morning Musings. In order for this to work I will have to turn each musing into a post. So for a time you may notice a daily post being made of old Musings of mine until it's all caught up.

Morning Musing 8/30/2019

Do you pray seeking God's blessing and help in your life? Do you come before God believing He can give you what you want?

Is this as far as your relationship with God goes? You pray when things get tough.

Have you ever thought about going further with God? Have you ever considered that if you had a friend you only went to when you wanted help that you aren't such a good friend yourself? Friendship's shouldn't just be built on "what we gain from the 'friend' "

God is the kind of Friend whose character should greatly impact and influence ours.

Did you ever make friends in school whose personality you somewhat took on yourself? You started to like what they liked, dress like them, talk like them?

When we come to God seeking Him to make our life more bearable or better let's also come to Him with a desire to know more about His Character, His nature. As we would want anyone else to want us as a friend, let's seek to learn more about God: what He likes and doesn't like, the way He talks, the way He dresses, the way He responds to situations.

This may sound silly to some. But God is a real friend if we seek Him and want Him as one. We have so much to gain from learning about His Character and imitating it until it becomes who we are. Not only is He HOLY as we also should be, but He is MEEK, PATIENT, KIND, GENTLE, LONG- SUFFERING, HUMBLE, SWEET, RESPECTFUL, GRACIOUS, MERCIFUL, SINCERE, HONEST, PURE RIGHTEOUS, JUST,...

God is GOOD and all together LOVELY.

DON'T GO THROUGH LIFE SIMPLY ASKING HIM FOR WHAT you want. Ask Him to make you like Him. Who wouldn't want His Character? Hunger and thirst for His righteousness with your whole heart and I am persuaded He will change your life for the better, although it may seem as if someone took your world and shook it upside down. Your character will completely change, you will find out who your real friends are (maybe none), your family may think you have lost your mind. But it's the best thing you will ever do in this life=come to Know and Follow God.

God isn't a Genie we seek our wishes to be granted by.

He is an Awesome, magnificent Creator of Heaven and Earth, He made you and me for a purpose that is beyond, eating, drinking, sleeping, mating, brushing your teeth everyday.

Much love ❤️

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