Monday, January 4, 2021

 Morning Musing August 26, 2018

Do you ever feel anxious, burdened, overwhelmed by your "To Do" list? God does not want us anxiously going about each day. We must guard our hearts, acknowledge Him in all our ways, take a deep breath, and press into His peace & grace for each day. I know this isn't always easy as we may feel we are racing against a clock to get things accomplished.

We have to realize God knows how much time we have in a day, and there are certain things He expects of us that we can forget about in our hurry-scurry to accomplish our tasks for the day:
Everyday To-Do List:
1.) Be patient (especially with others)
2.) Answer others kindly
3.) Prefer the needs of others (deny self)
And can you think of others? If you have time tell me in the comments.
Our "To Do" list changes from day to day,
But God's is always the same in the sense that we must always labor to keep the mind of Christ in whatever we are doing.
May His grace & peace be multiplied.

Image by Richard Park from Pixabay 

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