Sunday, November 1, 2020




This is something I typed up in 2011:

October 20, 2011 at 5:16 PM

Recently the issue of forgiveness was brought up. It led me to search through my papers. I found this article on the subject that some friends had shared with me some years ago. Sorry to say I do not know where it came from or who wrote it:

Forgiveness is a Vital Quality

“I forgive you.” These may be the three most important words you ever say. When you put wrongs behind you, your own life will be transformed.

Peter asked, “Adoni, (Lord) how many times shall I  forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” He thought he was being more generous, until he heard Elohiym’s (God’s) answer. “I tell you,” ha Adon (the Lord) said, “not seven times, but seventy times seven.” (Matthew 18:21-22)

We can completely destroy the ability of the enemy to hurt us through any person by completely & totally forgiving them…as we want Elohiym (God) to forgive us.

Be the first to forgive a wrong doing. Forgiveness is freedom and important to our eternal happiness. Without it, life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment & retaliation.

“In suffering one learns many things… that it is important not to be responsible for deliberately bringing pain into the lives of others…that without a willingness to forgive those who hurt us, it is not likely that our lives can go on in a meaningful manner.”---Charles Dickens

To forgive is characteristic of strength. Gandhi reminded us that, “Forgiveness is the virtue of the brave.” It is the key to deliverance, personal peace, & contentment. It consoles and heals not just one person, but all involved. Letting go of a grudge can be one of the best things you can do for your health. Forgiveness is as good for the body as it is for the soul.

Several studies have found that worrying about a wrong doing has been linked to several health problems, ranging from headache to heart attacks. A deep seated grudge can eat away your peace of mind. Nursing a grievance, the kind you harbor inside, can cause it to fester & harm your well- being. By forgiving, you short circuit anger’s poisonous power. So begin now to let go of hostility, bitterness & wrath. Replace it with a new beginning & clean slate. I read that the Bible says, “Forgive us our trespasses…as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Defined in the American Heritage Dictionary:

“as” means “to the same extent or degree; equally”

Therefore if we want to be forgiven, we must ask Elohiym (God) to forgive us.

Forgiveness is a choice freely made. It is a gift we can give or with-hold. And when it is offered to us, we can accept it or reject it. We can be free or remain in bondage.

There are occasions when we all need to be forgiven. Remember the times you have been forgiven for your faults. How good it is to be trusted again. This may help you be more tolerant to others.

Realize that people make mistakes, and try to accept their short –comings. Focus on & look for the individuals good qualities.

Step into the other person's shoes. Try to understand from their point of view, what makes him or her do the things that make you angry? Communicate the problem. Express your concern calmly and honestly with the person involved. Then look ahead to a clear, bright future, and don’t bring the situation up again. Elohiym (God) has a sea of forgiveness into which He throws all of our sins when we confess them. On the shore of that sea is a sign that says, “No Fishing” Forgive and forget.

Forgiveness shows  that divine spark within us, for it is love. It is an act of faith born out of concern for the well-being of others stemming from Elohiym’s (God’s) love for us. To forgive is one of the most highest & beautiful forms of love. Do not wait to forgive, for by forgiving you become the master of your fate & the doer of miracles.

~Author Unknown

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